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In an interview with iRapChrist, N’Buzz announced the release date of his debut EP as June 25. Lo and behold June 25 is here.
N’Buzz has kept the hype up with the initial release of a first single off the EP on December 12, 2015 titled One day. Following the
release of One day, N’Buzz also released another single – ‘Misunderstood’ off the V.A.I.N EP in April this year.
The entire EP was produced by Jomane.
V.A.I.N is interpreted as Verily All Is Nothing.
See what N’Buzz has to say about the EP:
V.A.I.N is a huge part of me containing my personal experiences both past and present. Every track has a motive and story behind it, listen and get encouraged for you are not alone.
Download the individual tracks by clicking on the soundcloud download buttons in the tracks below :
[ddownload id=”1912″ text=”Click to download the full V.A.I.N Ep”]
[soundcloud] https://soundcloud.com/irapchrist-556586680/ctrls-saved [/soundcloud]
[soundcloud] https://soundcloud.com/irapchrist-556586680/need-some-loving [/soundcloud]
[soundcloud] https://soundcloud.com/irapchrist-556586680/chibuzo [/soundcloud]
[soundcloud] https://soundcloud.com/irapchrist-556586680/misunderstood-1 [/soundcloud]
[soundcloud] https://soundcloud.com/irapchrist-556586680/vain [/soundcloud]
[soundcloud] https://soundcloud.com/irapchrist-556586680/one-day [/soundcloud]
[soundcloud] https://soundcloud.com/irapchrist-556586680/love-defined [/soundcloud]
[ddownload id=”1912″ text=”Click to download the full V.A.I.N Ep”]